Looking back, Anita is sure that Kerri wouldn’t be with us today, only for the fact that the team at Crumlin was heavily involved in international research. Because the team shares research with peers from other specialities and expertise, Kerri was given a fighting chance.
When you have a child with a long-term illness their care team, the hospital, the researchers, and other parents, become a huge part of your life. They were a huge part of Kerri’s life, and still are.
Kerri comes in for check-ups and to show off her amazing outfits. She is a diva and a typical nine year old now. Amazingly Kerri doesn’t remember an awful lot about being sick, and she has no idea how many people were in her corner when she was tiny - her family, friends researchers at the hospital and the National Children’s Research Centre and - you.
Thank you for giving sick children every chance.