The Children’s Medical Research Foundation
cordially invites you to
The 37th International Golf Outing
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The International Golf Club
159 Ballville Road,
Bolton, MA 01740-1227
10:00am Registration
10:00am – 12:30pm Buffet Lunch
12:45pm Shotgun Tee Off (Soft Spikes Necessary)
5:00pm Cocktails & Dinner (Jackets Required)

Honorary Chairman
Arnold Palmer
Tournament Chairman
Richard F. Connolly Jr.
Tournament Treasurer
Sheila Feeney

Ticket & Sponsorship Packages
Packages available from $750 to $20,000
For more information please contact Sheila Feeney on Sheila.Feeney@morganstanleypwm.com
For more information about this event, contact:
Ms. Sheila Feeney
Tel: 617-946-5114
Email: sheila.feeney@morganstanleypwm.com